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Manchester City v Tottenham battle for CL football

It is nearing the end of the 2009/2010 Premiership Season in England. The battle for fourth place will be fought by Manchester City and Tottenham Hotspur with both side fighting tooth and nail to secure their entry to next season's Champions League. Whoever wins this exciting match will be guaranteed the number four spot and the chance to take away the Champions League trophy next year. Liver pool and Aston Villa lost the chance of the number four spot in the premiership paving the way for two of England's greatest teams. The Champions League is an exciting event in English football and tickets for the Champions League have a habit of selling out very fast and being expensive. Fortunately tickets for the Champions League are available at livefootballtickets.com at an affordable price. You can purchase as many tickets for the Champions League as you need so you can easily afford to treat your family and friends to a Champions League match. They will be thrilled to see their favourite football time play live, or just to see some incredible football at a stadium rather than on television. So why not visit the website and see how much you can save on tickets for the Champions League next year?

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