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Man City v Tottenham Hotspur battle for CL football

The Spurs vs. The CitizensTottenham Hotspur and Manchester City Clash for a Spot in the Champions LeagueThe Premiership season is nearing its end for the year and with this, the matches are even more tense and serious. With each new round, the dream of European games is going further away from many teams. There are also those, however, who are still in the running for the Champions' League spots. The Londoners from Tottenham Hotspur will clash with the City team from Manchester in a battle for the fourth place in the Premier league. This game will come as a great dessert for whoever wins it as the other two competitors for the last Eurozone spot, Aston Villa and Liverpool, already lost all chances. Their last games played a main role in the battle and in leaving the final spot to either Man City or the Spurs. If you're interested in the game, get your Tottenham Hotspur tickets online here. Keep in mind that we also have some amazing seats for the Blue team. If you want Manchester city tickets, you can also get them from us. All football tickets are guaranteed. The season is ending soon, but there are some amazing games coming up. You do know that having nothing to lose sometimes brings amazing games. Just think of the last seven games of last season!

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