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Argentina 23 man World Cup 2010 squad announced

In an announcement today, Diego Maradona, Argentina's legendary coach named his final 23 man squad for the current round of the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa. Inter Milan's Captain Javier Zanetti has been left out of the squad, but the surprising name in the squad is relative newcomer, Ariel Garce. He was the defender who played his first match for Argentina less than one month ago, and it seems his skill has now found favour with one of Argentinia's most well known celebrated and talented personalities.The full 23 man squad for the FIFA 2010 World Cup Argentina team is listed below. GoalkeepersDefendersMidfielders Strikers Best way to see the match, is buy Argentina World Cup tickets securely online on www.livefootballtickets.com and be part of the live action. All World Cup 2010 tickets for the FIFA World Cup 2010 are guaranteed. Argentina is part of the top 5 favourites for the World Cup 2010 title. With the world's best football player Lionel Messi and star players like Tevez, the stage is certainly set for a good chance of victory. However,whether they will win the title, will also depends on manager Maradona. Here you can also buy World Cup 2014 Final tickets and World Cup Semi Final tickets.

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