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Russian FA confirm Capello as national manager

Fabio Capello, the former England manager has been chosen to take on the role as manager for the Russian national team. Capello has held talks with the Russian Football Union (RFU) about replacing Dick Advocaat as the boss of the squad. The Russian team suffered huge disappointment of an early exit of the the Euro 2012 at the group stage. The RFU believe Capello is the man to bring victory back to the side.Available from Live football tickets,com are National tickets, England Football tickets and Spanish football ticketsIt is expected that the 66-year-old Italian, who was England manager for four years, will sign the contract to manage the team for two years, with chance of a two year extension. Russian media reported that Capello will be receiving 10 million EUR a year.Capello is reported to be very happy with the opportunity and would be very happy working with the Russian squad, if the contract negotiations go well.LiveFootballTickets.com have thousands of tickets on sale for many matches and teams, including English Premier tickets, Chelsea tickets, Liverpool tickets, Tottenham tickets and many popular matches

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